Monday, 31 July 2017

                                The Gift of Love

                            If you really love a person, you will try to convince him/her that through your various  expressions. A gift is a good expression of love. It is always happy to receive gifts and to give gifts to those we love very much. Each memory is a gift, covered with chocolate coating of love and suspence..with remnisecnce..Suppose that if you have a garden with full of roses...once your beloved ask of you one rose flower, you will give him/her a bunch of roses, intead of one single flower. According to your aesthetics and your capacity of manifesting your emotions, you may give a season of flowers too.. It depends on person.
I think ,each vocation is a gift to God for His all gifts to us.. 
Once God asked me, "Do You Love me"?..Then I replyed quickly that " of course God, You know that I have  love You." But God say to me that "You are giving me something which I have already given to you..there is nothing new in your gifts..because everything you have been possening is Mine.."
Yes it is true..I recognised with pain..But God say to me that, offering of your whole existence , your will and your everything - your total commitment is a blissful gift to God . That include my sins, my weakness, my passions everything of that sort too..Because all my negatives are my own creations..God is only good and positive. 
Then God  smiled at me ... He tankled my soul ...That is the story of my vocation..something for God from my small life..a Gift of Love to Him. 

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

        Theo- Slefie

 I dont find any self portraite  in your selfie
But all the post you have  made
With random gusters and amazing emotions
are just like framing of your ideal self
within an artifical framework...

Then where is your real self?
Is your real self can showcased?
Is your self can be contained in a frame?
Can it possible?
Do your camera is capable to do that...

Nay Nay...

Your self is something special
nobody can showcased YOUR SELFIE
because You are the image and likeness of God
You should reflect it through your good deeds
which will reveal you as a person come from God
Your real essence

Let take your real selfie
through your good life..

Saturday, 22 July 2017

              The Real Beauty

Beauty is the goodness of your heart,rather your colour... it is the capability of your mind to see everything with wide open eyes with enthusiasm and innocency, rather the attractions.... Beauty is the finest reflection of good chracter..It You are a person with amazing qualities, then you are the most beautiful person ever seen in this world. 

Let Your Beauty and goddness shine before the world
Give witness to Jesus
Be the Best for Ever

Monday, 17 July 2017

We dont have any permenet place here on this Earth  !!!!!

We are looking for a city, which has been waiting for Us..that is in Heaven. 

 "For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.  Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name." (Heb 13.14)

Let us be Hurry..
Our destiny is High
We have to Go so far...

Get Anointance from Eucharist !!!

Are you thirsty for something?..Eucharist is only the source you can quench your thirst. Because He says that,

55 “Come, everyone who thirsts,
    come to the waters;
and he who has no money,
    come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
    without money and without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
    and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
    and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
    hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
    my steadfast, sure love for David.
Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples,
    a leader and commander for the peoples.
Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know,
    and a nation that did not know you shall run to you,
because of the Lord your God, and of the Holy One of Israel,
    for he has glorified you.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

 I love You  Mamma Mary

Oh Mother!... You are beyond any  words
You penetrate my soul so deeply
I bow before you with admirable praise
because You are the shining star ever..

I love you mamma, because you covered me
with thy mantle to protect me
You embraced me when I feel alone
Your smile wiped away my sorrows..
Your care has been strengthening my Soul

I need you more than my breath
in order to live for Jesus
I need you mamma as my own mamma
I am o]proud to say that I am completly yours..

Saturday, 8 July 2017


There are many people, busy to acheive something in their life. some will have the definite purposes, but most of them are in confusion , but they will sustain.

From my life I found that there are only few to strive for the eternal happiness. The world and its focus is still on the mortal objects. Most of us are zig zag around the peripheries ..not in the centre. 

the real centre and the core is God. because he alone be the End and the Beginning of everything.
God alone is the uncaused cause for everything. 

He is really a wonder....

He always amazed me with wonders..When HE ask something from me, He returned it in its fullness...

Once He asked my life, ..when i give that to Him, He gave me the new life in the spirit, which nobody can given to me.He asked me my dreams for the service of Heaven..I gave it..the He give back the new horizens of creativity in its all novelty..
He asked me my energy for His children, then he gave back the aboundless source of energy, that is He Himself.

He asked me to give my passions for His church..then He gave back thousands of souls for heaven to me..
I gave Him, my life, my dreams, my Heart, my family, my dear and near ones and all my posessions..
He is still busy to give back all those in tis fullness to me..even after my death he is waiting for me with eternal life..that is my hope He give to me.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

     Are Your Thoughts on right track  ? ? ? ?...

Thoughts are very significant  & delicate area where the divine and human will have a fight. If your thoughts are on right track, then you can contribute and cooperate with God's plan. Our God is a God who is always respect His creatures and He gave the free will and freedom for making selections in His life. God is waiting for you with amazing plans for you. But He is not like you and me..He never has the hurry to fulfill it by any means of compulsion. God's silence is more eloquent than our shouts for something.
Try to respect your God by keeping a positive thoughts in your Hearts. because your heart is the place where God want to feel the warmth of your love...Your heart is the sole place where God long to look for some consolation..your heart is the place where God watered every day for the splendour of Goodness. Dont disturb the pool of goodness- Your heart , where God carefully kept the energy to be like Him with your negative thoughts.

Every experience in your life  is a part of God's Divine plan. It is pre-planned by Him  and prepare only for You...Try to see life with novelty. You can give a gift to God only from your life..Try to give Him the best of your life too..Because He gave you the best for you..It is His own body and blood.

God never want to see your tears..but only the smile
God never want to make you alone..He wish to be with you always even after Your death 
God never want to confuse you , because He said that "You are precious for me"

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

The Cloister 

A Cloister is not a Space of
burial , it is not a place of lonliness..
It is a land of dynamism, where the wolrdly passions remoulded into new forms of energy. 
A monastry is a place, where your essence should rejenuvated in the spirit of Self Transcendence.There is no shadows in a monastry..only the clear images of God. Because this is a place to see your self without any masks..
A monk is free from all vanities of this world. A monk must  be free from  this world and its bondages to love God. By allowing the complete space for God, a monk became the bearer of God. Gradually this will become a mutal bearing between God and man.Then there will be a heaven on this earth.

The Space can contain me..

I seek for a space which can contain me..
with my weakness and strength
I seek for a room of consolation 
in the darkened corridore of my soul

I seek that space in others
I seek that Space in someone whom I love
I seek that around the world..
I couldn't find it anywhere..


I found myself in a Heart - a wounded heart....
in a pierced heart ablazed with fire and rounded with thorns
It consume my soul...That space is the Sacred Heart of Jesus
I find everything I seek there
I find my pretty Soul there
and...I find You there...
I find everything there for eternity.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Is God a Saddist?..

God is not a saddist to be happy by seening the tears of man..He is a God, who will cry along with u, when u cry. Because YOU are His own , He paid your sins by His own Blood. He take up your burden to the cross.. He put His arms for nailing your bondages to cross..He was ready to pierce His own heart on the cross..Because, you were there in His heart even before your birth. Then why God should be happy when you cry?
Even then God may allow you suffering..misunderstandings..ill health.or something painful to you. That is to protect you from evil of this world to the eternity. As a Christian, this world is not our Destiny. We Have to Go is up to Eternity. Some pains are mandate to cross the threshold of vanishing attentions of mortal world. 

Let the sufferings bring me to Eternity.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

There is no way to God, expect sufferings..
 But it is a secret hide from human begins..
only thhose who got the wisdom from heaven
 will seek that road filled with thorns...
Are you there in that road?..
then carry are in a right track.

 Insanity When you think like a baby in your adulthood,  react like an adult in your childhood the cross matching of heart and brain dinnona...