Tuesday, 31 October 2017


It is easy to become a saint !!

The Catholic Church is so blessed with the presence of many saints. Her communion with victorious church is her power to survive on this chaotic world. On this All Saints feast day, it is appropriate think about our universal call to become a saint from the very moment of our baptism.
As the time pass on, we know that to become saint is not a hard task. We are lucky generation to have experiential knowledge about saints who lived among us in this century. We know who they are…we understood how they become saints..Saints like Mother Theresa, St. John Paul II, St. Alphonsa, St. Euphrasia are so familiar to us , because they belong to our time period in history.
Then the query remains is, what we think about being a saint in our life.

There are many alluring ways which saints opened before us to attain this status. Love is the key to become holy. But the thing is, our love should be purified and refined by the power of Holy Spirit. All matters related to become a saint revolving around the fact – how much you are able to love God and others.  
Are you afraid of being a saint..Don’t be afraid. Because,
There are many verities of saints..some are known as fools, some are great sinners before they know God, some are very poor, some are nervous, some are very zealous..There are many types and varieties.
Next is your chance..God is waiting for your time to splendor yourself in sainthood. Don’t miss this chance..    

Monday, 30 October 2017

When memories dance..

Cherishing and alluring
All I experiecned
From my dream ..
The Heaven is not a dream
Angels are not dearms
I could see that
when i reach  out to people

Rhythms of Reflections:          My Voyage to the hearts of People of God ...

Rhythms of Reflections:          My Voyage to the hearts of People of God ...:          My Voyage to the hearts of People of God  A dialoge with the realities which I had found during my pastoral ministry atThirumuk...

Sunday, 29 October 2017

         My Voyage to the hearts of People of God

 A dialogue with the realities which I had found during my pastoral ministry atThirumukulam Parish

It is great to understand what is the real essence of our vocation in terms of what we supposed to do with it. My home mission experience is quite amazing by unfolding the mysterical essence of my being as a religious. There are people who are in need of you, for your patient listening, for your intercession before God. When I understood the need of pastoral care, I think that we religious should have some experience like this to enrich our vocation in a refined manner. Thrirumikulam Parish is not well in economic scale, but the people are highly edified to trust in God and to live their lives with all its challenges. It is mandate to feel the pulse of sheep in order to shepherd them as JESUS did. Along with Pope Francis, I wish to be a shepherd of being the smell of my sheep.

 Even though the notion about pastoral ministry is more attached with men wing, the feminine aspect of this experices have been more experientialvalue as a spiritual mother, sister, and a daughter for them.

What I realize is, when the moment we step into the hearts of people, that moment itself is a christopheny-we could understand how Jesus Christ is living in the Mystical body of Christ- that is Church. The bipolar bond between the people of God and a religious is strong when we really live our vocation in church. Mind of a religious should be in the threshold of being the presence of God to every one we meet. The transcending of our human being into enlighten  being will help us to maintain the real rhythm of cosmic order. I think , that is our primary duty as a religious to  harmonize the cosmic order by the power of divine presence of God .

I wish to compare this to a new Christopheny where the suffering christ is  manifested in different  faces of lives.

Reach out to people is always a platform to understand realities of life and our vocation. It will help a religious to find new paths of her/ his being. Meaningful existence of your vocation is a task to deconstruct the centers of our life form self to God, by liberating ourselves from boundaries of spiritual ideologies to unbounding mercy of God. 

Monday, 2 October 2017

    When God become Silent

There should be times in your life, the moments of despiration and dullness. When you may feel that even God  has become silent. There will be time for impossiblity of thinking something positive and creative in your life..Hold on..Keep going with your Rhythms..Let it be with you .
Because, all that experinces are invetitable in your life. Don't you know that God was silent in the history for 400 years after the period of prophets..He dosen't allow even an Angel visitation.But at the end of that silence, He send His own son..That was quite surprising..  

God's ways are awesome and they all carried some amount of mystery..Being mysterious is the glory of God.
So keep on going even in the wrost situvations of your life..He is with you to hold your hands. Our God is mighty one with compassionate heart and adorable providance. 

Sunday, 1 October 2017


I don't want to be a poet, but to be a poem
Which can read by public timelessly
I want to be the inspiration and soothing memory
for all my readers boundlessly

I want to be the  finest language ever
for you and to the other
I must be the distiled manifestation of love
and the icon for everything is possible with God
All a poet can do is warn...
I want to warn and love simultaniously  

 Insanity When you think like a baby in your adulthood,  react like an adult in your childhood the cross matching of heart and brain dinnona...