Thursday, 22 March 2018

When the time blooms 
As humans are existential beings, they are very much related to time and space they live in. what we are doing and what we are thinking is relating with the space we are. 
The world of imagination also zigzagged within the boundary of space and time.  Can you think of one day without any space or time.All our dreams connect with some destiny- of space or time.
 Death is the door to come out this barrage of space and time. It is the key to eternity..
 We must be fading to the world in order to overcome its bizarre moments of space and time.   Then the easiness you can feel in your soul. This freshness and easiness will help you to fly to the mountain of contemplation in silence

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Rhythms of Reflections:

The  twist

When He spoke me in Silence..

I am very eager to share one of my experiences from my life to acknowledge you that how wonderful is God in his own ways. When I went for my prayer days, He taught me many important lessons for my life. I think that, when He teaches me something it could make a remarkable impact on my life tremendously. Sitting at his feet in silence is a wonderful and joyful experience which calmed my soul even I had been passing through tribulation and bizarre days of my life. I often forgot to think that God will do things for me, and I just have to trust him. But he taught this lesson for me by allowing a painful event in my life. The very moment I came to know that there are few who are deceived me, I first think how I can solve this problem from my part. But I couldn’t. The Jesus asked me that, DO you can solve all your problems by your own. The answer was very simple- No..Lord I can’t.
Then Jesus spoke to my soul about the power of trusting in Him unconditionally. I trust him. And he solve that problem in His own ways..When I was ready to surrender my life before Him he twists my story for a graceful future. Yes His ways are magnificent.  As a human being there is some pain in my heart even when I am sharing this, but in my soul I could experience the grace.
So what I have to say is trust in Jesus. Don’t go after others when you face problems.
He has definite plans about you.
Marvelous are His deeds and ways.
Allow Him to complete what he need to do with your life..
One of the another important fact I want to remember you is that, the essence of religious life consist in how much you can adhere to Jesus the real wine. The distance you go away from Jesus is the distance you are going astray in religious life too..
Keep hold on Him..

Friday, 2 March 2018

Rhythms of Reflections: He don't need your sympathy, but your  Heart
Jesus Suffered for you
That was His obedience
Even he lost His life….
In return He got a resurrection
A life for ever

 Insanity When you think like a baby in your adulthood,  react like an adult in your childhood the cross matching of heart and brain dinnona...