Sunday, 29 July 2018

Contemptuous shades  

Ethereal gazes trampled the visions
Sovereignty failed to explain the reason
Check outs wondered at pops
And the river Nile still flows

Dazzling of Daffodils fragrance much more
Unconscious mind garbed some features of art
For the sake being free from lowliness
But the opt of longings still empty
And waiting for one another spring

Shades..Bleached away
Aesthetics faded away
Shadows now tells the stories
For  unknown reasons of faith.  

Friday, 20 July 2018

Going with nothing

cravings leashes
serpentine beauty of possessing something
for random feelings stripped off
the hands smelting vanity whithered
it looks so tired than grass after heavy rain 
are you mad? may ask..
the answers gone with wind
they have wings and antina
such beautiful beast like feature
degrees of intensities and intimacies
swanning go and forth
the pendulum of   heart beating
echoing the mountains of your heart
it is bog
marshy but preservative
smile..even you dont understand me..
you be there a true witness of my creativiy

 Insanity When you think like a baby in your adulthood,  react like an adult in your childhood the cross matching of heart and brain dinnona...