Wednesday, 21 October 2020


When you think like a baby in your adulthood,

 react like an adult in your childhood

the cross matching of heart and brain

dinnonating with a vibration of new currents

evolution is an ongoing process

reach out to the rupturing of normative of everything

from circles to cyber, footpaths to mental maps

definitions of many upside down like a clown

possibility of multiple truths lies to mask everything

no one is free from anything in this world

but everyone is free of their coherence of essence and  mater

strike down the rights than faults

so that there will be possibility of free play of meaning

chose the odd and weird out of  order

let us make it perfect again like an insane being

Let us chose the shades of grey

no more arguments on black and white

break the bars , breaks the codes

break the entire you in you, with you

let us celebrate this insanity together ever and ever....

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Buried words from

 a fragmented world

Spaces are boundless in this virtual world

rather the concepts

definitions blurred and shapes got deformed

a hand of deconstruction been everywhere

some questions, flung again 

of something more captive for heart than brain

even the epistems of the virtual world

fragmented to the philosophies of liminal spaces

dare are the feelings for support the neighbour

nor even a question of prominence

the interplay of words and images

made another mask for the face of communication itself

 Insanity When you think like a baby in your adulthood,  react like an adult in your childhood the cross matching of heart and brain dinnona...